Important Benefits of Foam Rolling for Bodybuilding

Important Benefits of Foam Rolling for Bodybuilding

Foam rollers are everywhere. It’s simply impossible to walk onto the gym floor without seeing at least one or two resting around the place. They’re the modern bodybuilders best friend and for good reason too.

There are so many important benefits of foam rolling for bodybuilding. It’s pretty insane when you stop to think about it, considering all it takes is a spongy tube and bodyweight.

Okay, maybe it takes a little bit of grit and perseverance too. It’s sometimes a game of no pain, no gain (within reason, bro).

Guys and girls who regularly foam roll can reap the rewards of:

- Reduced muscle soreness
- Increased range of motion
- Better soft muscle tissue quality
- Faster recovery
- Greater flexibility
- Improved posture
- Less tightness

All of a sudden the dude you spotted rolling his lats on the floor last week doesn’t seem so dumb. It’s cool, we didn’t understand the whole craziness around it either. That’s why we’re here though, to tell you exactly why you should roll to be swole.

How does it work?

But here’s the question. Just how can something that costs the fraction of a single masseuse session make such an impact? What’s the secret?

Well, as it turns out, there is no secret. Just think of the process as giving yourself a much needed deep tissue massage. Albeit with a cheap and convenient tool instead of your own hands and knuckles.

The technical jargon for this practice is self-myofascial release. Simply put, you’re releasing tension in the muscles by working on specific trigger points.

Trigger points are more commonly known as knots. Something you’ll have definitely heard of as target areas for sports massage therapist, or eye-wateringly felt.

Muscles should be able to contract and relax smoothly without any interference. However, after intense use in sports such as bodybuilding, they can fall victim to adhesions.

These suckers act like a sticky substance; reducing power, flexibility and causing localised pain. Rather than stretching and relaxing as normal, the muscle hits a physical bump in the road.

Tightness = Weakness

By pin-pointing these areas and tackling them with a foam roller we can convince the muscle to relax. The localized pressure gives our Golgi tendon organ the green light to tell it everything is okay, leaving the body part to return to its normal state.

Once a muscle is reset and returns back to normal function it can then be used optimally. A stiff and tight muscle is a weak muscle, which is downright unacceptable at SpotMeBro. So make sure you’re not letting the squad down with your tight ass traps.

Static and dynamic stretching is typically the most common go-to for tense and stiff bodybuilders. And whilst this tried and tested method will get you feeling looser than your girlfriends hips after too many margaritas; it ain’t all sunshine and rainbows.

Stretching like it’s still the 80s can actually reduce the amount of force the affected muscle can produce. Guess what that means, bro? You won’t be able to exert the true power potential an insanely stacked dude like yourself deserves.

Roll into it – why you should foam roll during any warm up

So, if you’re starting out by throwing a stretching routine into your warm up, you might want to change things up. It’s time to ditch the old school and really flex into the 21st century.

Choose to implement foam rolling into your pre-lifting ritual. Don’t worry, you’ll still feel the relaxed benefits of your favorite stretches. However, instead of falling victim to a decrease in power, you’ll actually be able to enjoy the opposite.

This will be because of your newfound foam induced:

- Localized muscle activation
- Improved power potential
- Improved range of motion

Three things proven to elevate the results of your iron game.

Localized Muscle Activation

Foam rolling promotes muscle activation, which can play an awesome role in levelling up your workouts.

By activating the muscle before hitting the iron you’ll be prepping your body for hard work.

It’s kind of like a physical hype up, so don’t underestimate its usefulness.

Firstly, you’ll be increasing the circulation of blood to the area. Something which’ll seriously come in handy when your quads are screaming for oxygen under a heavy load.

You’ll also be kick-starting the mechanoreceptors. This’ll ready the muscle to react quickly if any imbalances occur. Keeping you subconsciously prepared and reducing the risk of injury.

For bodybuilders this is all a pretty big deal. If a muscle group can’t be worked to it’s full potential, there’s a massive loss in maximized gains. So make sure to specifically give the bodyparts you plan to work a wake up call.

This might not seem like an issue right now. After all, you’ve been seeing results so far without ever touching a foam roller. But imagine those lost gains stacking up throughout the years. Scary ain’t it, bro.

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