Cardio for Fat Loss - Is it Really Required ?

Have you seen those trainees at your gym that are constantly on the treadmill, trying to lose fat, but they just look the same since you first saw them ? You see, doing cardio for fat loss is one of the biggest misconceptions in fitness, but it is somehow a dogma, it has been traditionally associated with fat loss.

Yes, cardio will improve your health (which is probably the most important side effect), it will improve your mood, it will help you cut weight, but is it the MAIN thing for fat loss ? Absolutely no !!

How much cardio you need to do to cut fat ?

Most of the people would probably answer: “a lot”. The majority would give more precise numbers like : “25-30 minutes, 3-5 times a week”. The correct answer, however, is that you don’t actually need cardio to burn fat. Let’s see why.

What is the definition for cardio exercise ?

Cardio is light or moderate exercise that can be performed for prolonged periods of time. The goal is simple: continuing to move, you will burn as many calories as possible.

Typically, aerobic training is done to improve the cardiovascular system, but as the article is devoted to weight loss, it is necessary to stick to the topic.

There are two main forms of cardio:

HIIT  (high-intensity interval training), which consists of switching between short periods of intense exercise, and longer periods of low-intensity exercise. A perfect example would be a sprint workout: 15 second sprints followed by 1 minute walking or jogging.

You might also like : How Cardio Helps You Build More Muscle

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