The Best Stability Ball Moves for a Strong Core

The Best Stability Ball Moves for a Strong Core
We love finding new ways to work your core. The powerhouse muscle group provides stability and strength for everything from lifting heavier weights to dance cardio, so giving it some extra TLC is never a bad idea.

Plus, who doesn't like working out on a big, bouncy ball? For these moves, grab a stability ball (also called a fitness or Swiss ball), which can be found in most every gym. Just make sure it's the right size for your height.

In each move below, focus on bracing your core, not just sucking in your belly. Studies show this type of movement can activate more of your core muscles, meaning you build strength in your pelvis, back, and abdomen, not just in your rectus abdominis (a.k.a. your six-pack muscles).

How to use this list: Pick 3 to 4 of these exercises and add 'em onto a cardio day or integrate them into your strength workout. Complete 2 to 3 sets of 8 to 12 reps.

1. Stability Ball Crunch

Let's start with the basics. Lie faceup on the ball, with ball under low back, feet on floor hip-width apart, and hands behind ears. Brace core, tighten glutes, and slowly crunch upper body upward, raising shoulders off ball and tucking chin to chest. Slowly lower upper body down to return to start. That's 1 rep.

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