7 Best Moves for Crazy Obliques

7 Best Moves for Crazy Obliques

Cable woodchop

Obliques against resistance, baby. Your unweighted side crunches are a fine move to create some engagement with your obliques but if you always train them that way, then chances are they stopped responding long ago. The addition of some weight will help you reinvigorate these muscles. And before you say it, no…resistance training your for your abs will not result in a thick, blocky middle.

Do it Right: Attach a rope to a cable tower, and move the cable to the highest pulley position. Grab both handles of the rope and then kneel down onto one knee, your shoulders perpendicular to the stack. With arms extended over the opposite shoulder, look straight ahead and pull the rope across your body finishing the movement at waist level. Slowly bring the weight back to the start position and repeat movement. Be sure to keep your core and abs tight at all times. Try 3-4 sets of 8-10 controlled reps followed immediately by a single, lighter set of 20-25.

Hanging Knee Raise Oblique Crunch

Hanging knee raises suck. It’s murder on your hard-earned callouses, it strains your shoulders and it’s tough to eliminate sway. But for those willing to master hanging abdominal work, great rewards await. By bringing your pelvis toward your rib cage, you emphasize the lower half of your abs. And when you add the slight twist that’s called for on this oblique move, you truly get to experience what advanced oblique work should feel like.

Do it Right: Use the same starting position as the tried-and-true hanging knee raise. With your knees bent, bring your legs up toward your right underarm and hold the contraction. Go back to the start position and then repeat the movement to the other side. Try alternating sides for a set of 10-12 total reps for 3-4 sets.

You might also like : Abs Exercises: 4 Best Moves for Crazy Obliques !

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