A Simple Trick For an Insane Pump

Most people think that the single most important ingredient for building muscle size is protein. While that is more or less true if we consider the fact that it’s essential for maintaining positive nitrogen balance, and that it makes up for approximately 20% of our muscle fibers, there is another ingredient that is almost as important.

That ingredient is water. After all, about one third of our body tissues, or roughly 75%, is made up of water. Yet, when discussing the nutrients that are involved in the muscle building process, people mostly think about fats, carbs and protein, often forgetting to take water into consideration, while it should be right there on top of the list.

In this article we are going to discuss how water helps in improving the quality of your training and the effects on your physique, giving you several advices on the best way to consume this ingredient, necessary for building your muscles.

Water Creates the Pump

We’ve all experienced the tightness of the pump, when the tension starts to settle in your worked muscle, making each following rep more difficult. The chemistry behind this is as follows: It begins by breaking down the carbohydrates stored in your body in a form of glycogen.

This process triggers the production of lactate and pyruvate, which contribute to increasing the muscles cells as a result of their osmotic activity. The consequence of their activity is the increased flow of water in your muscle cells, making them full. This is in fact a signal of the anabolic process.

All nutrients have some sort of an osmotic effect which is why they are required if you want to achieve muscle growth. This process can be also described as a pressure buildup within the muscle fibers that causes it to grow.

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