11 Lifestyle Tips That Will Help You Stay Lean All Year Round

There is a four-letter word that fills every bodybuilder with dread. The word is diet. The truth is that without good nutrition, all the training in the gym could prove worthless. If you want to build muscle, you need to pay attention to what you eat. However, this doesn’t mean that you constantly need to be on your toes, charting your day to day meals.

With our 11 adjustments in your nutrition, lifestyle and training you can say goodbye to extreme dieting and food deprivation for good. Try incorporating them in your everyday life and start melting down excess fat fats.


Although there are some people who would beg to differ, there is nothing wrong with consuming carbs, as long as you are training hard and not consuming too many calories overall. However, eating carbs alone can cause significant amount of trouble in the body fat department. When you consume carbs by themselves, without protein, the body transforms them into glucose very fast.

This results in increased insulin production, which increases your appetite and slows down the digestion of fats. According to the research, including protein in your nutrition slows down the digestion of carbs. Try including protein with every carb meal.


Eating before you go to bed is probably one of the worst ideas you can have. When we sleep, our metabolism rate slows down, and we burn less calories than usual. As a result, our bodies transform the carbs into fat, storing it in our cells. If you have to eat before you go to bed, it’s much better to help yourself with a small protein meal. No more than 30 grams.

Or you can take a casein shake. Another negative effect of consuming carbs three hours before going to bed is that it inhibits the growth hormone production in our bodies.


According to some studies, even a mild dehydration can result in slowing down your metabolism by 2%. Although some of you might argue that this figure is not much, in the long run it can account for the difference in truly muscular body and an average one. On the other hand, consuming enough water can significantly boost your metabolism.

According to a study published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, consuming half a liter of water can increase your metabolic rate by 30%. Having in mind that our bodies are mostly comprised of water, we can see why this ingredient is so important for normal bodily functions. Drinking water also increases your satiety, preventing the cravings for food.

Thirst can be easily mistaken for hunger, leading you to think that you need to eat instead of water. You should aim for drinking half-liter of water before each meal. It will aid to your feeling of satiety.

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