10 Best Exercises for Building Lean Muscle Mass

Not all exercises will have the same effect on your muscle building process. Some will push it to its outer limits and some won’t aid as much, but all of them will contribute to it. Today we are interested in the former ones, the exercises that promote hypertrophy by employing a larger number of muscle fibers, more than one joint and are colloquially known as compound exercises.

These exercises have a larger output and are based on your strength, as opposed to isolation exercises which are often based on a single joint movement that employs a low number of muscle fibers. If you want to build muscles that will be awesome and admired for years to come, here’s a list of 10 exercises you will need to perform that will get you to your goal!

1. Deadlifts

Of course deadlifts are the first on this list. No other exercise even comes close to inflicting as much stress on your body as this one. Deadlifts make your back thicker, your lower body stronger and your gains immense, but they also strengthen your core and make you more suited for other heavy lift exercises like squats. If you want to get the best effect from deadlifts, keep the set moving after every rep – no need to drop the bar down after each lift. This will keep your intensity higher throughout your set, and when you get to the top of the movement, lock out your back muscles to engage them completely. No other exercise compares to the way deadlifts build your posterior chain.

2. Bent Over Rows

These are a compound exercise, of course, but they are far more isolated than deadlifts since they are mostly active on your rhomboids, lats and lower traps. You need a specific type of posture to do bent over rows, which means they will also activate your spinal erectors and your core muscles. Make sure you keep your elbows tightly packet next to the sides of your torso and drive them back. This will provide a more direct stimulus to your lower lats, but when you pull at this angle, you will also use more power, which will let you lift more. Keep away from excessive body motion when you’re performing bent over rows – your range of motion can be cut short, which will make the exercise less effective.

3. T-bar Rows

These are similar to bent over rows, and while the posture is identical, the difference is in the grip. T-bar rows demand a semi-supinated grip with your palms pointed towards each other, which will let you lift more weight, which in turn, will help you pack on even more lean muscle on your frame. To improve the effects of T-bar rows, pause when you get to the top of the movement and your lats and rhomboids will be under greater intensity while contracted.

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