Top 10 Biceps Exercises for Mass and How to Do Them Correctly

Top 10 Biceps Exercises for Mass and How to Do Them Correctly

 (Image credit: IG: jeremy_buendia)

When it comes to building biceps that turn heads, there's no room for shortcuts or half-hearted efforts. To achieve those bulging biceps you've always dreamt of, you need a well-rounded arsenal of biceps exercises that target every aspect of this iconic muscle group. In this article, we'll take you through the top 10 biceps exercises for mass, and we'll make sure you know exactly how to do them correctly. Get ready to flex those guns!

1. Dumbbell Bicep Curl:

How to Do It:

Stand up straight with a dumbbell in each hand, arms fully extended, and palms facing forward.

Keep your upper arms close to your body and your elbows fixed in place.

Curl the weights while exhaling, bringing them up to shoulder level.

Squeeze your biceps at the top of the movement.

Lower the weights slowly back to the starting position while inhaling.

Dumbbell bicep curls are a classic and essential exercise for building mass in your biceps. The freedom of movement provided by dumbbells allows for a full range of motion, ensuring your biceps are thoroughly worked.

2. Barbell Bicep Curl:

How to Do It:

Stand up straight with a barbell in your hands, arms extended, and palms facing forward.

Keep your upper arms close to your body and your elbows fixed.

Curl the barbell while exhaling, bringing it up to shoulder level.

Squeeze your biceps at the top of the movement.

Lower the barbell slowly back to the starting position while inhaling.

Barbell curls are another fundamental exercise that can help you build impressive bicep mass. The barbell allows you to lift heavier weights, which is essential for muscle growth.

3. Preacher Curl:

Preacher Curl

How to Do It:

Sit down at a preacher curl bench with your upper arms resting on the padded surface.

Hold a barbell or dumbbell with an underhand grip, arms fully extended.

Curl the weight while exhaling, lifting it until your biceps are fully contracted.

Slowly lower the weight back down to the starting position while inhaling.

Preacher curls isolate the biceps, making them work harder. This exercise is particularly effective for building peak biceps, giving your arms a more rounded and full appearance.

4. Hammer Curl:

How to Do It:

Stand up straight with a dumbbell in each hand, arms fully extended, and palms facing your torso.

Keep your upper arms close to your body.

Curl the weights while exhaling, bringing them up to shoulder level.

Squeeze your biceps at the top of the movement.

Lower the weights slowly back to the starting position while inhaling.

Hammer curls are a fantastic variation of the standard bicep curl. They target both the biceps and the brachialis, a muscle beneath the biceps. This dual focus can help you achieve well-rounded bicep growth.

5. Concentration Curl:

How to Do It:

Sit on a bench with your legs spread apart and hold a dumbbell in one hand, arm fully extended, and palm facing up.

Rest the back of your upper arm against your inner thigh.

Curl the weight while exhaling, bringing it up as high as possible.

Squeeze your biceps at the top of the movement.

Lower the weight slowly back to the starting position while inhaling.

Concentration curls are excellent for isolating the biceps and developing a peak. This exercise forces you to focus on each arm individually, ensuring balanced development.

6. Spider Curl:

Spider Curl

How to Do It:

Lie face down on an incline bench, your upper chest and shoulders resting on the bench.

Hold a barbell with an underhand grip, arms fully extended.

Curl the barbell while exhaling, bringing it up to shoulder level.

Squeeze your biceps at the top of the movement.

Lower the barbell slowly back to the starting position while inhaling.

Spider curls put your biceps under continuous tension, making them work harder throughout the entire range of motion. This exercise helps achieve that coveted fullness in your biceps.

7. EZ Bar Curl:

How to Do It:

Stand up straight with an EZ bar in your hands, arms extended, and palms facing forward with a slight inward curve.

Keep your upper arms close to your body and your elbows fixed.

Curl the EZ bar while exhaling, bringing it up to shoulder level.

Squeeze your biceps at the top of the movement.

Lower the EZ bar slowly back to the starting position while inhaling.

The EZ bar curl is a variation of the standard barbell curl that puts less strain on your wrists. This makes it a great choice if you have wrist discomfort when doing regular barbell curls.

8. 21s:

How to Do It:

Stand up straight with a barbell or EZ bar in your hands, arms fully extended, and palms facing forward.

Perform 7 half-reps from the starting position to the halfway point of the movement.

Then, perform 7 half-reps from the halfway point to the top of the movement.

Finally, complete 7 full reps from the starting position to the top of the movement.

21s are an intense bicep workout that targets different parts of the muscle. They challenge your endurance and help you achieve an incredible pump.

9. Incline Dumbbell Curl:

How to Do It:

Lie face-up on an incline bench with a dumbbell in each hand, arms fully extended, and palms facing forward.

Curl the dumbbells while exhaling, bringing them up to shoulder level.

Squeeze your biceps at the top of the movement.

Lower the dumbbells slowly back to the starting position while inhaling.

Incline dumbbell curls target the upper part of your biceps, contributing to a well-rounded bicep development and an impressive overall arm appearance.

10. Resistance Band Curl:

How to Do It:

Stand on the center of a resistance band, holding the handles with your palms facing forward.

Curl the handles while exhaling, bringing them up to shoulder level.

Squeeze your biceps at the top of the movement.

Lower the handles slowly back to the starting position while inhaling.

Resistance band curls are a versatile exercise that you can do virtually anywhere. They provide constant tension on the biceps throughout the movement, helping you achieve excellent results.

Remember, building bicep mass requires consistency, proper form, and progressively increasing resistance over time. Start with a weight that allows you to perform 3 sets of 8-12 reps with good form. As you become stronger, gradually increase the weight to keep challenging your muscles.

In addition to these top 10 biceps exercises for mass, here are some tips to help you make the most of your bicep workouts:

1. Warm-Up: Always warm up your biceps with light resistance and dynamic stretching to prevent injury and improve blood flow to the muscles.

2. Full Range of Motion: Perform exercises through a full range of motion to maximize muscle engagement and growth.

3. Mind-Muscle Connection: Focus on feeling the biceps contract and squeeze at the peak of each repetition.

4. Progressive Overload: Continually challenge your biceps by increasing the weight or resistance as you become stronger.

5. Rest and Recovery: Allow your muscles to recover by giving them 48-72 hours between intense bicep workouts.

6. Proper Nutrition: Consume enough protein and calories to support muscle growth and recovery.

7. Hydration: Stay hydrated to aid in muscle function and recovery.

8. Sleep: Ensure you get enough quality sleep, as this is when your body repairs and grows muscle tissue.

9. Variation: Change up your bicep workouts regularly by incorporating different exercises and rep ranges to prevent plateaus.

10. Consistency: Consistency is key. Stick to your workout routine and be patient. Building impressive biceps takes time and dedication.


Achieving massive biceps requires a combination of dedication, hard work, and the right exercises performed correctly. Incorporate these top 10 biceps exercises into your routine, and with time and persistence, you'll be well on your way to turning your bicep dreams into a reality. So, grab those weights, follow these guidelines, and get ready to flex those impressive biceps that'll have everyone asking for your secret!

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